I’ve heard from a couple of neighbors who want to hold a garage sale. Obviously, the best way to do this is to include everyone on the block and make it a neighborhood garage sale.
The best date so far seems to be Saturday, February 25th, 2012. Knowing that the usual bargain hunters rise early, I propose we set a start time of 8am. That gives us time to set out all our stuff before the crowds arrive. Be sure to have extra cash in your pocket to make change for people. I suggest marking suggested prices with post-it notes as well.
I will put an ad in the free newspapers, plus on craigslist, and advertise it as a neighborhood garage sale. If you would like to participate and be included in the listing, please email me and let me know that you want to join in. There will also be a listing of homes participating put here on the web site for others to check. The more families we have joining in, the better for all of us.
Get your kids to clean out their room and earn some cash! Clean out that garage and buy something new! We can do this! 🙂
If anyone has questions or concerns, please let me know. Thanks!